Friday, November 21, 2008

Snow Day!

I woke up this morning to some of the most significant overnight snowfall I've seen during my five years in Boone. I got that old snow day feeling again, like when I'd have to shovel two feet off the sidewalk back home in Northeast Ohio. Back then, my sister and I would huddle long before the sun came up, next to the radio, fingers crossed, to listen to the 102 Zoo morning school cancellations. Today I tiptoed across the frigid floor to the my laptop which broke the good news--no school.

So I headed for the mountains to get out in it. I started off at MacRae Meadows where I happened to meet cross country skier and local photographer extraordinaire Todd Bush. From there, Todd used his special powers to get us into Grandfather
Mountain, closed due to the harsh weather. We drove until the snow got too deep and set out on foot, pummeled by fierce winds. On our way down we caught sight of a doe and her fawn (wild, not the ones in the zoo). It looks like the baby has a broken leg.

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